We believe in corporate responsibility and that every effort affects change and fuels the movement for a clean and healthy future for our planet.
As one of the region's largest employers, it is our duty to the community to be a proponent of green initiatives where we work and live.
An adaptive, innovative and forward thinking company is well-positioned for the future and allows continuous improvement of guest experience.
13,410 lbs of paper have been saved so far through participation in the Shred-It certificate program.
Through the Clean the World program, we recycle unused toiletry items and plastics, diverting hotel waste from landfills. Last year our efforts contributed to thousands of bars of soap being distributed to those in need across the globe.
LED lighting has been installed in over 90% of our building, with more lights being switched over every week.
White Oaks has partnered with Flo to provide our Guests with not one, but SIX Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
We send everything electronically, provide digital only paystubs and encourage double-sided printing
Our Ozone laundry system positively impacts the environment by reducing natural gas, water and phosphate emissions (approx 30-40%).
We ask that guests not idle cars while waiting and have reminder signs
Our property is full of natural light which cuts down on room light use
Through B-Y's Honey Farm, our Green Team welcomed four hives of Canadian Honeybees to our property. Not only do they help our region by introducing pollinator habitats near farmlands... they also make really good honey.
We also have a butterfly habitat on property, helping to support the declining Monarch population. Every little bit helps these beautiful pollinators on their epic migration journey.
Bee and monarch populations have dwindled due to modernized agriculture with pesticides, climate change and deforestation. By helping to expand the population, our food sources and flowers continue to be pollinated and local farmers will continue to be able to grow crops for many years to come without rising operating expenses.
At White Oaks we are constantly striving to improve our processes and reduce our footprint by welcoming new green initiatives. Check out some of our more recent ones below and read more detailed reports on some of them in our press release section.
Our retail areas feature GoodDrink bottled beverages, which donates clean water to those in need with every purchase.
Our commercial grade Naturizatta filtration system provides chilled and sparkling water and replaces plastic bottles with glass.